Wednesday 2 April 2014

Final drawings






For my sketch I made a brief video capturing the greenery and colour you will experience in my garden boast shed.

Cry Engine

first play around with Cry Engine

Monday 24 March 2014

Boat Shed Sketchup

 Boat Shed with water connecting to Ocean 

Water connects the heated water inside the shed to the ocean water

Garden//Art Studio Shed 

earthy ground-like a forrest

plenty of colourful flowers to add vibrant colour-and something extra to paint

An easel, chair and workbench at the front of garden, looking out onto water.

a glass roof that pours in natural light. 
clouds during the day, stars at night- a jungle experience.

Garden Shed with Water

Walls covered in plants and flowers

a glass roof to catch all the natural light

The boat shed has heated water inside that connects to the ocean. A wooden platform allows you to cross the water or enter the shed.